First Years of CPCC, as your Christmas exams are approaching, you may have some questions, worries or concerns. I myself know the stress of exams, especially the first ones you're faced with when in First Year.
Being in an all new environment, and new routines, preparing for exams can be more stressful than the exams themselves, but I’m here to give you some helpful tips that I use to prepare myself for exams.
- First and foremost, you cannot prepare to study for exams, without a suitable timetable made by yourself, to meet all possible needs and requirements. Every student’s study timetable will always be different due to people being more comfortable with one subject over another. Always prioritise the subjects you feel less confident in.
- The next thing I would suggest are Flashcards. I find these helpful to aid me in photographic memory, and to help me remember the most important topics of a subject.
- Next is a ‘Study Buddy’. This is a complete preference, and varies from person to person. The most reliable person to pair with to enhance and maximise your chance of reaching a Distinction or Higher Merit, is somebody with similar concerns and preferences to you.
- Last and certainly not least, do not overwork yourself in trying to study. It will be as effective as not studying at all. Always get a good night's sleep the night before, wake up early, and look over the subjects you’re least confident in.
Please remember these are the first set of tests you’ll experience, these will prepare you for the Junior Cycle exam, and are not yet the most important tests you'll take, however, this does not mean you should not take them seriously.
Good Luck to you all!
Alisha Geoghegan - TY Press