On the 4th of October the Transition Year students went kayaking in Dun Laoghaire. We left around 9.30am and had great fun and a great laugh on the journey there.
When we arrived, we were greeted by the instructors, who went through health and safety procedures with us.
After the talk was over we changed into wetsuits as the water would be very cold and dangerous. Next, we helped carry the kayaks to the water where in pairs we then began the activity.
It was difficult at first, as we figured out that paddling left meant you actually went right. But soon everyone was able to get the knack of things.
After the kayaking was over, we went for a swim. This was just as fun as the kayaking itself.
Then at 12 o’clock, the bus came to take us home. So we quickly got changed and made our way back to CPCC. Overall, it was a really enjoyable experience and is one I would personally love to do again.
Paul Fitzpatrick – TY Press