Collinstown Park Community College

Green School

Green School

Green Flag 4: Travel

Travel Theme Actions:

  • Survey how people travel to school
  • Survey what students know about sustainable travel
  • Audit the walkability of the area
  • Put up posters to promote sustainable travel
  • Survey of cars idling on school grounds during pick up and drop off times
  • Display in school hall about sustainable travel

Travel Theme Activities:

  • Staff and student steps challenges to promote walking
  • Poster competition to decide Travel Code
  • 1st Year quiz on the theme of Sustainable Travel
  • TY cycle skills course with Cycling Ireland

Green Flag 3: Water

In May 2019 we were awarded our third green flag for Water. We have been working on the theme of water since September 2017.

Our green code for the Water theme is: “Every Drop Counts”

Water Theme Actions:

· We check our water bills and read the water meter to monitor usage

· We carried out leak tests around the school

· We conducted surveys on water usage and awareness of water conservation measures

· We installed water butts to collect rain water

· We fitted hippo bags in the toilets to save water

Water Theme Activities:

· TY students attended the Green Schools water forum in 2017 and 2018

· TY students did water experiments with 1st Year students

· 2nd Years took part in a Water Quiz

· TY students visited the water treatment plant in Ballymore Eustace to investigate where our water comes from.

· 5th Years took part in a poster competition for Water Week.

· Tips on water conservation displayed during reg every morning during Water Week.

We have reduced our water consumption by 55% since 2017.

Green Flag 2: Energy

We were awarded our second green flag for Energy in 2017 and we continue to work on conserving energy in the school.

Our green code for the Energy theme is: “Save Energy, Switch Off”

Energy Theme Actions:

· We read electricity and gas meters periodically to monitor trends in usage.

· We placed signs on doors to remind everyone to close them to keep the heat in.

· We placed signs beside light switches and on computers to remind everyone to switch off after use.

· All of the lighting in the school has been changed to LED in conjunction with Microsoft.

· Microsoft, SSE and SEAI have also worked with the school to install solar panels.

Energy Theme Activities:

· Students attended Pedal Power Lab presented by Paul Finch who powered a smoothie-maker with a bicycle.

· Students took part in workshops about energy and electric circuits.

· We have implemented an Energy Efficiency Education Programme to create awareness around the importance of energy conservation in our community. 1st Years and TYs have attended Energy workshops delivered by SEAI.

· TY students led a 5-day “Generation Green” energy challenge sponsored by SSE.

· The school hosted an Energy Efficiency evening for the community in April 2019.

· TY students will visit a wind farm in May 2019.

A few words/Cúpla focail

We have reduced our electricity consumption by 98% since 2018

We have reduced our gas consumption by 11% since 2018.

Green Flag 1: Litter and Waste

We were awarded our first green flag for Litter and Waste in 2014 and we continue to work on preventing litter and reducing waste in the school.

Our green code for the Litter and Waste theme is:”How we care for our school is a reflection of the type of people we are”

Litter and Waste Theme Actions:

· We monitor the number of general waste and recycling bins put out for collection.

· We placed recycling bins in every room of the school.

· We designed signs to show people how to recycle correctly.

· There is a container to recycle batteries in the main hall.

· Students take part in Litter Squad to pick up litter on corridors.

· TY students empty the recycling bins in the evening as part of their work towards achieving the Gaisce award.

· We take part in the National Spring Clean every year.

Litter and Waste Theme Activities:

· Students attended the “Bin It” roadshow to learn about the effects of litter and importance of recycling.

· Students made a mural from recycled materials.

· TY students took part in the Young Reporters on the Environment competition and held a clean-up day on the Neilstown Road.

YRE Transition Year Group 2016-2017


Transition Year students are participating in

YRE (Young Reporters in the Environment) January – March 2017

1. Day of Action – Clean up Neilstown Road

2. Primary Sc. Poster Comp

3. 1st Year Poster Comp.

4. Write a report for competition.

YRE Action Day clean up of Neilstown Road- March 2017





Litter Squad October 2016



Pedal Power Lab- May 2016

Paul Finch is an artist who did a pedal power workshop with all 1st years on 17th May 2016.

Using machines made from recycled things, Paul demonstrated producing power with a pedal bike. He uses old bits of bicycles, washing machines, motors, pumps, fans etc, He manually operate machines without using electricity, that power a fan, lights, a water-pump and a blender. He finished up by making smoothies, all done with pedal power.

We hope to make students aware of the energy needed to work our electrical appliances in the hope that they will become more aware of conserving energy.


Bin It Road show-Thursday 22nd October 2015







May 2014

We received the 1st Green flag for Recycling & Litter & Waste. Our aim is to reduce litter and encourage proper recycling.

We are doing the following:

  • Recycling bins are in each classroom & offices
  • Signs on the bins identifying suitable recycling items – paper, card, plastic bottles and aluminium cans.
  • TY students take responsibility for emptying the Recycling Bins
  • 1st & 2nd Years form a “Litter Squad”
  • 1st Years had the “Bin it Roadshow” – this is a campaign on disposing of litter properly and related issues.
  • We participate in the National Spring Clean annually.
  • Battery recycling box in the main hall.
  • Students attended a workshop and made Christmas cards from recycled materials.
  • Form links with North Clondalkin Tidy Towns
Jan 22
1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Parent Tutor Meeting
Feb 03
St Brigids Day
Feb 17
February Mid-Term Break
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day
Collinstown Park Community College
Rowlagh, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, D22X458
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