Collinstown Park Community College

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Collinstown Park Community College is a Designated Community College of the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB). Established in 1984, the College provides Post Primary and Further Education programmes to male and female students.

As a Designated Community College, we provide a post primary education which is appropriate to the abilities and needs of students and is inclusive and learner centred, in order to foster and develop the moral, spiritual, social and personal, development of the students.

The DDLETB and the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin are committed to the partnership model set out in the Model Agreement governing the operations of a Designated Community College and to supporting the college in meeting the needs of the community in which it is located.

Mission Statement

In Collinstown Park Community College, we work together to create a caring, inclusive and positive learning and teaching environment.

Students are encouraged to reach their full potential in their learning and in all aspects of their lives. We aim to encourage, inspire and enrich the lives of everyone in the school community.

Curriculum Provision

Within the provision for post-primary students, the Junior Certificate and Junior Certificate School Programme are offered, while Transition Year, the Leaving Certificate, the Leaving Certificate Vocational programme and the Leaving Certificate Applied programmes are available at Senior Cycle.

A full range of subjects including languages, the humanities, arts, technologies and sciences are offered at both junior and senior cycle. Students are encouraged to take part in all aspects of school life including extra-curricular activities.

The School participates in the Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS) programme and in the School Completion Programme (SCP).

Throughout all its activities, the School is committed to supporting young people in their academic, moral, spiritual, social and personal development so that each student can reach their full potential.

Admission Equality Statement

The School ensures that no student receives less favourable treatment in admission and school participation on the grounds of race, gender, civil status, family status, disability, special educational needs, religion, sexual orientation or membership of the travelling community.

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Feb 17
February Mid-Term Break
Mar 14
School Closed Bí Cineálta Training
Mar 17
St. Patrick's Day
Apr 03
Collinstown Park Community College 40th Anniversary Celebration
Collinstown Park Community College
Rowlagh, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, D22X458
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© 2025 Collinstown Park Community College